
Many people who are dying say that they have never felt more alive,
and this is possible for you!
“It’s your light that lights the world.”
- Rumi
Through this beautiful work you'll receive:
- Emotional Support & a Listening Ear
- Comforting Presence and Holding Space
- Spiritual Support- religous or non-religious
- Guided Meditation and/or Sound Healing
- Practical Support and Administrative (hospice, aides, MAiD, VSED, etc.)
- Contemplation- a safe and supported space for meaningful conversations
- Travel Companion- I am not a nurse, but can accompany you on a trip
- Reconciliation- helping facilitate in "unfinished business" or tying up loose ends
- If home hospice chosen, helping to make sure the home is safe, comfortable and easy to navigate.
- Legacy Projects- how you would like to be memorialized
- Vigil Planning- Uniquely honoring you during your last days
- Funeral Wishes- planning and implementing your after-death wishes
- Following up with family and loved ones who are grieving
- Pets: Emotional support for at-home “medical aid in dying” or accompanying the pet owner to the animal hospital for treatments, medical care, or euthanasia. Vigils, funeral planning, and legacy projects are also available services for your beloved companion.

I will meet you where you are...
It’s about holding space for you
and creating a safe and peaceful environment for everyone involved.
I'll empower you to make the most informed decisions...
By serving as a bridge between you, your medical team, and loved ones,
I can fill the gaps and empower you to make the most informed decisions
regarding your end of life care.

Many people have said that their last weeks, months, or years of life were the best and most meaningful period of their life.
While the end of life may be physically challenging, I can help you bravely take the emotional journey inward to contemplate, reflect, and reconcile.

A Note about Dementia...
The nature of dementia often results in the patient unable to make choices for themselves.
It is important for the family and loved ones to address end-of-life care with their loved one at early onset of dementia in order to be fully confident about following their wishes.
When this is not possible and the disease has progressed, an end-of-life guide will do their best to work with the families and friends, using their best judgment of what the person would have wanted before their diagnosis.
A doula is a very loving, gentle, and comforting presence
for the person suffering from memory loss and their family.
“Death can be something beautiful. It is like going home...”
- Mother Teresa